Wednesday, September 06, 2006

But I don't WANNA get up!

*sigh* I hate getting up early. Hate it hate it hate it. Especially now that it's starting to be chillier in the mornings. Ah well - suck it up, xena!

I was soooo exhausted last night - we didn't get out of football until almost 7:00, and then I had to find a lunchbox for the son (failed mission), a soccer ball (failed missions), a key copy (successful), and a run to the drugstore (successful). Since we didn't get home until almost 8:00, the planned dinner of turkey tacos was down the tubes. We had BLw/otheT since the son can't have tomatoes. Then I had some cereal since I was so frickin' hungry.

I also had a huge headache, which makes it challenging to be Present, Patient, and Forgiving, but I did a good job of it anyway. I know the headache is the dreaded Caffeine Withdrawal. CW, you suck!!!

I still had a headache this morning. It's ok for now.

I worked out again this morning, good xena. I did my Goddess bellydance workout w/Veils, which was a good 25 minutes but unfortunately not much of a cardio workout. My arms were *killing* me, though! Then I lifted with my wimpy 8 pounders - chest and arms. I did 3 sets of 15 reps instead of 12, since the weights weren't very challenging.

I'm also a bit sore today in the hamstring area, probably due to the psycho yoga workout. Geez.

I had a banana with breakfast (and have grapes for lunch), so I just need to have a veggie with lunch, easily accomplished (I have eggplant/ricotta leftover pizza, a small salad, and my tomato/eggplant dish). I'm striving for the turkey tacos tonight, although football goes until 7:00 again and I still need to get back to the grocery store...

So I've accomplished my 2 workouts for the week, and 1 lifting session. One more to go!


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