Wednesday, August 23, 2006

PPbbllttt! (warning: bitchy whiny post ahead)

I feel yucky today. It's my 3rd? 4th? 5th? day of being tired, and I'm starting to wonder if it's the prescription-strength allergy meds they (those evil "they"!) put me on last week to drain my middle tube (?)(I don't remember that from A&P!). It's supposed to be non-drowsy, but I think that the jitter drugs they add to it to keep me from getting drowsy end up ramping my system into overdrive and wiping me out by the end of the day. Hell, by 3:30 sometimes! The meds are doing their job in terms of draining me, but I am not sure if this exhaustion is worth it. I don't feel like eating right or preparing good food or doing the effing dishes piled up not only in my sink but all along the counter (damn camping dishes!) or doing the million-and-one tasks that need to be done because school is startinginlessthantwoweeksandohmygoddessHELP!!!

Can you tell that I'm a little overwhelmed?

This panicky feeling could be abated (?) a bit if I had enough energy to get up to exercise, for heaven's sake, but noooooo.

Geez, what a grouchypants I am today.

Not to mention that I have a therapy appt. this afternoon with the relative that I've been having challenges with, so I'm almost 900% positive that doesn't help my mood/wanting to eat the state of Vermont (all those firs and cows getting stuck between my teeth).

I have to say that I'm proud of at least recognizing that I'm not in a good place. I was driving to work this morning and "realized" that I didn't HAVE to find something yummy-but-not-good-for-me to eat when I got to work in order to not FEEL these yucky crummy FEELINGS anymore. Instead of doughnuts or cookies or whatever, I had a slice of bread w/PB&J for breakfast, which is the healthiest I could do in the moment.

So I was so tired last night that I only read about 2/3 of my A&P workbook. I could tell that I wasn't actually absorbing anything and so put myself in bed. It was the right thing to do. I'll leave a little early today and get to school to review my quizzes and my workbook, and I'll be fine. Then I have my test-out next week in my bodywork class, so I need to review some of the "routines" (for lack of a better word) before then. I'm not sure when that will happen, since we're leaving for camping again Friday afternoon, assuming I actually wash the camping dishes by then!


At 5:16 PM, Blogger Lynne said...

Hey, I'm a grouchypants today, too!

Some days you just wake up and you feel off your game. I figure that maybe that's ok; maybe we just need to admit that we're tired and entitled to a little rest.
Good luck with everything and I hope your sinuses feel better soon! Those meds take it out of me, too.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Xena said...

Yes, I did see that on your post - is it the moon???

No rest for the weary! Must slog on! Must not admit weakness! Grr!

Thanks for your encouragement - I did fine on my final and my appointment went much better than expected, so I'm feeling better today except for the damn sinuses.

You hang in there too!


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