No autographs, please - just throw money
drumroll please....I finally worked out last night! Yippee skippee! According to my training log, I hadn't lifted in almost a month. Yeesh. I have to say that doing my "100 Things" really brought me back to loving myself and recognizing the good things about me - and dammit, people like me!
I ellipted for 35 minutes, and was definitely huffing/puffing a bit at the almost-stair-climbing setting. It felt good to be sweating due to exercising, not due to walking to/from my car to drive to work each day. I lifted back/shoulders, and could tell that I hadn't lifted in a month.
I've been considering going to high weight/low rep with a multi-exercise-in-one (squats, deadlifts). The article that talks about it is here. Of course, that would mean I would have to *learn* how to do something new, which would take extra time. In the long run, it could be a great timesaver, though! I'm worried about my knees and my back (thank you, FitJulie) - the article addresses form quite thoroughly, and I'm usually hypervigilant about my lifting form anyway, so I should be ok.
It would also mean that I need to be more consistent with lifting! I'm considering taking another class at school because I've heard it's easy-peesy-miss-louisey and it's only 6 weeks, but that means another night down (until November) that I won't have time to do homework, cook/keep my house in order, do practice sessions, exercise, gaze upon my loved ones' faces, etc. Of course, it will keep me on goal to finish school by next May, and the course schedule for the spring semester won't be out until October or November, so I will have no idea if I would be able to even take this easy class at the time it's offered in the spring.
What it's coming down to is that I seriously need to get my arse out of bed in the mornings to get to the gym, and that's how it has to run, or it ain't gonna fly. The other piece of that is the good food, so I am also going to need to plan and execute in a routine manner. A little fly in that ointment is that my son was diagnosed with some food allergies - some mild, some stronger (none life-threatening, thank goddess) - peanut, tomato, and (low) corn & soy. Gee, that really narrows things right the eff down, doesn't it?! Plus he has an oral reaction to most fruit skins, and probably has a mild allergy to dairy. I have my mommy work cut out for me - I went through this about 5 years ago with him/corn syrup and had done pretty well cutting that out, but the !#$%^ stuff is in *everything*! I know I can find stuff, especially since we have a natural foods chain store in town, but it will take some time, which is going to become very precious the first two months of school/soccer/football/my own school/music lessons etc.
I know what I'll be doing the last week of August!!!
You worked out. Woo Hoo!!!!!
Throwing gifts at you.
I need to workout too. My stabilty ball should come this week.
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