Cautiously optimistic
I worked out again yesterday (woohoo!) and walked around the track Friday for 35 minutes. Yesterday the bf & I walked to/from the Y (probably only 2 miles total), and I hopped on a recumbent bike, which sucks ass in terms of getting my heart rate up (I need to crank it all the way up if I ever do it again) then lifted chest/arms. I can feel it today! We also walked to the local DD, and I indulged in my craving for a chocolate-covered coffee roll, which probably has about 900 calories. Unfortunately I also gave in to that urge today. Hey, at least I walked. I counted my steps, since I have no idea what the mileage might be, and it was not much (1000? round trip).
As per my usual OCD ways, I'm freaking out about the fall, returning to school, starting up football/soccer/homework/music lessons etc., and working around my son's food allergies. I know if I don't start planning it now, I won't have time to search out the stuff he can have until, maybe, next spring?!
I also want to get a routine going for exercise so that I can get up in the mornings to get to the gym once school starts again, as the daughter needs to be out at the bus stop by 7:15. If I wait to set the habit until after labor day, it most likely won't happen.
I have enjoyed the weekend, spending quality time with the bf while also doing the laundry mountain and catching up on my homework. I only need 4.5 more practice hours and I'm done for the semester, WOOHOO!!!!! I had two scheduled for this morning, but they canceled due to illness; I have my sister this P.M. and will probably torture my bf for another 1.5 hours and be down to 2...
My exercise plan for today is to bike to the local farm stand and find some veggies to then return home & cook for the week, since I have double class for a total of 3 nights of classes, and then we're taking off early Friday to go camping with the kids and bf's brother/family.
I am happy to report that I feel much more normal and human this summer, which was a goal of mine based on my experience last summer (worked all kinds of crazy hours, hardly saw my bf/kids/outdoors, and then got a really crappy bonus and no acknowledgment in thanks) - I refused to do it again, and decided to get outside and to the beach as much as possible. *aaah*
It is so awsome to actually get outside during the summer, I was a hermit all last summer as well with work. :)
Here is to hitting our goals! :)
Woohoo! Goal-hitting ahoy! And to getting outside - cheers.
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