Thursday, September 07, 2006

Movin' right along

Another successful workout morning (dancin' to the Wave), although my son kept interrupting and at one point I was chanting, in my head, "patient, present, and forgiving....patient, present, and forgiving...". That shit actually works!

Had the turkey tacos late last night and SO wanted to have more than one, but decided to have a little turkey/guac/lettuce/tomato pile instead. I was very hungry, though, so am impressed that I stopped there. I've been grabbing a turkey/cheese/greens/oat bran bread sandwich for the kids' practices since they last so long, and that's been helping keep me in check, along with a few bits of trail mix (organic, of course)(watta snob!).

Tomorrow afternoon I depart for my annual women's beach weekend, where I will be sure to overeat, although we do bring fairly healthy dishes, and most definitely overdrink/smoke. I can't wait! I will try to avoid the beach center, where they have fried dough and softserve ice cream, which I don't normally go for, but there is something about beach ice cream that can't be beat. Anyway, it's not *all* about the food/drinking - we always end up laughing practially nonstop, and sometimes talking about really deep issues. It's a crazy, wonderful mix.

In the meantime, I've been eating my goal of one fruit/veggie per day, and exceeding it so far. I don't want to get settled into that notion, though, because if/when it ends up being *one* per day, I won't feel as though I am failing. We'll have fruit salad and regular salad all throughout the weekend too. We also do at least one long walk along the beach per day, and try to go out dancing at one of the dives. I may just break even for eating/moving!

I am also enjoying the workout routine of doing a 30-minute or less workout in-between when the daughter gets on the bus and the son gets on the bus. It still gives me enough time to eat breakfast, shower, help him w/any last-minute stuff, and get any lunch stuff that's not already at work together. We'll see what happens when my school starts up again in a week & 1/2 (ugh!). I had originally planned to get up at 5:45 to go to the Y, but this is working out pretty nicely so far. It's been a good transition to the earlier start of the day.

I haven't had my vitamins etc. yet, so I will do that now! And my caffeine-withdrawal headaches seem to be gone already, very impressive. Maybe the decaf was a better choice after all. I know I'll be having coffee this weekend too...


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