Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!!!! I went down 2% in body fat in the last 6 weeks! Or the trainer doesn't know how to do it properly. I could definitely tell that I've toned up, especially in my arms. I was/am so psyched!!!! I worked out last night (not so energetically, on the elliptical - I was tired and low-energy, plus I was somewhat sore from the day before's workout), and then had my dbf take my measurements. Sadly, they were all the same or bigger, but I'm hoping that it was due to the workout muscle swelling. I'm going to have him measure again tonight, since I worked out this morning after my BFA.

One annoying thing was that the Y scale was like 8-9 pounds more than my home scale, so that registered at 197. Ri-di-cu-lous. Yeah, I had clothes on, while at home I weigh in the buff (no pun intended), but still.

The changes in the past 2 months have been pretty incredible, and it's motivating to continue on, for sure! I dread next week - the gym will be an insane asylum, and I hate jockeying for equipment. Ah well, maybe it will be time to try out the rowing machine!!!


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