Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Knock Knock. Who's There? Dwayne. Dwayne Who? Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwowning!

Yes, feeling just a TAD BIT OVERWHELMED HERE, thanks ever so much. *sigh* I suppose that could possibly, maybe be slightly related to being gone for a month, eh?

But hey, I'm at 175 pounds now!!!! So if I can just keep that going, or at least maintain it, that will be a comfort. 21 pounds down from my starting weight last November. 21 frickin' pounds!!! DUDE!

It's nice to have clothes that (almost) all fit again! It's nice to feel good in them, not pulling at the waistband or tugging at the shirt hem or just feeling squeezed like a sweet italian sausage.

I signed up for the new batch of yoga classes at the Y last night, and I really like the instructor on Monday nights. She does something similar to kripalu yoga, which is what I was doing this past month while I was away. Gentle, stretching, releasing, ahhhhhhh.

I can only make Monday or Tuesday nights, Thursday morning, and Saturdays, but if I can make 2-3 classes a week, I'll be very happy. I don't want to give up on the weightlifting and especially cardio, since yoga isn't usually cardiovascular in nature. I haven't taken the other days yet though, so I may be wrong!

My eating has been quite well-behaved. Lots of veggies (roasted a whole big casserole dish of 'em this weekend, and even the bf had a serving voluntarily!), fruits, beans, some yogurt. Not a lot of sugar. No coffee except at an offsite meeting last Friday. I'm very proud of myself!

Tune in next week when TOM kicks in - sure to eff up the previous paragraph! Live and in color!

I hope to post more soon, especially about what I learned while I was away, and what I am incorporating into my life to keep on this healthy path. But first I have to claw my way back to the surface - can somebody please shut the water off NOW?!?!


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