Monday, January 16, 2006

In The Name Of Love - MLK Day

Monday here, no one at work 'cept me & my assistant. Nice and quiet, which is perfect for getting caught up before I go away for the month!

Saturday I did go to the gym, and although my eyes were killing me from all the crying, I was still plenty energetic. Unfortunately all the ellipticals were taken, so I was "forced" to try out the arc machine. I had no clue what I was doing, and probably looked a bit goofy until I got the hang of it. I didn't like it as much - my legs wanted to do more of a circling motion, but it seems to have more of a stepping motion, and you had to lean waaaay forward to grab the heartrate handles. It still got the heartrate up, but I prefer the elliptical. On to shoulders/back, where I inadvertently grabbed the 10's instead of the 8's, and was wondering why I was having a challenge. I was actually able to do all of the shoulder presses, but had to back off to the 8's when I got to the front raises etc. It's good to challenge myself, and even better when I don't know I'm doing it, since the brain is such a powerful tool to motivate/demotivate. I am concerned that I will lose some of my strength after a month of doing just yoga (although I think the place has a small weight room; I just don't think I'll have time since the massage program is so intensive...we'll see), but I am almost positive it will return quickly once I get back.

Sunday I made it (barely) to the cardio kickboxing. It was good to be punching & kicking again, although I've certainly lost my height in my kicks. It probably didn't help that the pace was a bit fast for doing proper kicks. My lower abdomen and obliques are sore today from the ab work-i-lates at the end of the class. I usually work longer/harder in a class setting than I do on my own. Peer pressure etc. is a powerful motivator for me!

I also worked out this morning, yeah! Elliptical (where were all the Resolutionaries, hmmmmm? I guess it's a holiday for a lot of people, but still) - that's when I found out that my legs were a bit sore, especially hamstrings. Legs on the weights, and those were good - it was the right move to up my weights, as I felt more challenged. It was getting late at the end of the workout, and I was supposed to do some ab mat work, but decided to get going instead. That was hard for me, since I tend to be a perfectionist, and if the sheet says I'm supposed to be doing ab mat work, then by golly I better get it done or the workout doesn't count, right? RIGHT???? Yes, I'm working on that, thanks.

Eating has caught up with my scale. I'm hovering around 189 again. Chinese during the Pats game (*sob* what a disappointment. The game, not the food), and then leftovers yesterday, no fruit, no veggies. Going out for lunch today and thai tonight, so I can work some veggies in there. Granola/yogurt/2 slices bacon (!), and some coffee. Today's my last day "on" coffee, so the rest of the week should be a *joy*!


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