Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Not so good with the titles...maybe if I write first and then name the entry, that would work better with (against) my an@l-retentive tendencies. Maybe.

No exercise last night, just lots of running-around-to-pick-up-the-kids. I'm sure that burns a ton of calories, right??? No? Hmm. I was pretty exhausted, and then a family member called to make an advance in our relationship (which I have been struggling with over the past year, mostly about childhood crapola), which was a positive thing, although I think this family member was probably encouraged by another family member, whose house they were at, to make this advance (since that's the normal process - goddess forbid this person think of it on their own!). I couldn't make the request work until I got back from retreat-land, but at least they are trying. However, it brought up all these feelings. Feelings that I have been feeling since I've been struggling, but they hurt and surprise just as much. My stomach started hurting, which I didn't immediately connect to the situation (since most people would view it as a positive request). I went to bed early, and was thinking about it, and started crying. I'm a big crier in general, although I have been doing it less and less often in the past few years. I'm hoping that is due to my work on "feeling the feelings" and not eating/stuffing them instead. So anyway, the crying was a little bit of a surprise, but I'm glad it came out. My stomach started hurting more, almost to the point of yakking (probably partially due to the hazelnut/cocoa spread of which I had eaten a few spoonsful). That's a new one on me. Not too surprising, since I am a Cancer and the stomach rules all things Cancer (that, and the moon). Guess where I gain weight first/lose weight last???? I did not yak, but it didn't feel good. I *did* make a connection, though, with the eating and emotions. It should be simple as pie (har har), but logic doesn't always meet emotion, and that is what drives most of my over/unhealthy eating. *sigh*

Workout plan is to do yoga (not Denise Austin, thank you very much!) tonight after the kid's chorus concert. We were up early to go out for breakfast before school, so I am hoping I don't crash after the concert! Plus planning the food so I'm not full during my session.

My pants are tight today - what a yucky feeling. I should have changed before I left the house, since I knew they were tight then, but I'm being stubborn. I'm mad that they don't fit (they haven't fit at all in quite awhile, so I'm at least making progress - I can button the damn things now), although my butt must be getting toned since they aren't tight around there, just the Cancer belly. Always with the belly.

Distance goals update - I've walked/run/ellipted 14.03 miles so far in 2006! Woohoo!


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