Friday, January 06, 2006


I am in such a mood today. I should probably shut my office door before I tear someone's head off, because I wouldn't regret it until Monday. I'm sure it's just pee-em-ess, and naturally I forgot (at home) the herbal supplement I bought to counteract (hopefully) the worst of the symptoms. *growl* It certainly didn't help that the bf and I were arguing about money last night. Normally it's not an issue at all, but it just brings up all kinds of garbage from childhood/previous marriage. Yuck yuck yuck!!! I was in no mood to look at him or anybody this morning, but we have to paste on the professional face now, don't we???

So I'm sighing a lot and drinking coffee too much and trying to stay away from any other sugary foods since that will just make it worse. You can guess what I'm craving the most. Why does the body act so crazy and counter-intuitive sometimes? I hate being dominated by hormones. I can't *wait* for menopause!!!!! Judging by my mother, I'm in for a real treat.

Good news on dinner last night - we went out, and yes, we had dessert, but I ordered something fairly light for my entree (lettuce wraps with asian chix and veggies) so I didn't walk away feeling like I ate the table. Nicely done, number one!

We were out late last night so I didn't get up this morning for the gym; I woke up to that bleepity-bleep-bleep (hahaha) alarm clock in the middle of a nightmare about breaking into someone's crappy beach-house and they had babies in bowls of water (thank you, Michael Bay and The Island), then of course we got caught breaking in. The baby that we took out of the bowl of water was fine, so I wasn't particularly concerned about the other ones. So bizarre. The fact that I was in the middle of this at 6:45 in the morning makes me concerned that I didn't get enough "good" rest last night. Or maybe I just lucked out with my rem cycle.

Anyway, the plan is to take my son to his scout swim night tonight and hopefully get some exercise there, although I can only imagine the pool will be full of psychotic 8-11 year olds. wheeeeee! Even if it's not lap-swimming, at least I'll be moving and enjoying my kid. I will definitely get to the Y tomorrow, and between exercise and the supplement, I am hoping to get back on a more even keel.

It's sad to me that I'm becoming more and more of a "TGIF" kinda gal.


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