Monday, January 09, 2006

!@#$%^&*()Monday! Blech.

At least I worked out this weekend. Friday night scout swim - wholesome fun was had by all. I almost killed myself on the way-too-bouncy diving board, but it was wicked fun! I was the only adult going off the board, so of course the adorable/bratty 8-12 year olds were egging me on. I refused to do a butt flop, although I ended up doing a couple of not-quite-full flips and landed on my back (oweeee!). No belly flops, thankfully. I also swam almost the whole length of the pool underwater, in answer to a challenge from my daughter's football chum. I think my last 2 months of working out has really improved my cardio!!! Go Xena!

Saturday was the elliptical - I'm still amazed at how sweaty I get and how my heart rate really gets up there (I try to stay under the 160's) - what a super workout. I need to figure out itunes so that I can make some workout CD's. Yes, people, I said *CD's*. My 6-month goal (which is around May 6) is to maybe get an eye-Pod. I have to pay for massage school, though, so I'm not sure where I'll be with this financially. Plus I'm so lazy when it comes to downloading songs etc. The CD deal really isn't so bad. It's so old school!

As is my band t-shirt from 1986 that I wore to the gym this weekend. Hee hee!

Sunday was...the elliptical! And sweating again like a mofo. Sat. I did my legs on weights, and Sunday was chest/arms. My right upper arm/shoulder was twinging on incline chest flyes, so I tried to back off since I don't want to get injured (thank you, FitJulie).

I'm not feeling very sore today, and I can't help thinking "no pain, no gain". I don't want to be immobilized, but it would be nice to feel some muscle soreness. I just upped my weights in the last week, so I thought that would do it. I do feel a little bit, so at least it's something. I can definitely *see* the difference, which is so effing cool!!! Little bumps and curves where once it was flabby and blobby. Woohoo, woohoo!

Eating is another story. 2 football games (go Pats!) and the accompanying junk food. Pizza, chips/dip, brownie bites, hard lemon-ade by that guy Michael, queso dip and tortilla chips. Shall I go on? I think not, especially since it's lunchtime. I have so much freakin' leftover pizza between my mom and the games that the kids will be begging for salad by Wednesday! And too much bleepity-bleepin' coffee. My system feels quite acidic right now, and I'm paying for it in ways too delicate to mention in this wholesome post. Plus TOM. Yee-ha.

Goals for the week - get off the coffee, you addict! That could prove to be uncomfortable - I get serious caffeine-withdrawal headaches, not easily combatted by tie-len-all and extra water, but that's the choice.

Cut down the sugar. I'm heading to massage school for a month (!) - it's residential, at a retreat center that has mostly vegan (read: no refined sugar) food and daily yoga, and I will be so much better off by cutting down the sugar and coffee before I go. Better to suffer through the withdrawal in the relative comfort of my known surroundings than in the midst of training in massage. I really really cannot wait to start, and I plan to work on some meditation/journalling habits while I am there so that when I come back, I can keep them going. I need to make this internal connection to my eating and my emotions/experiences...

Not sure if I'm working out today - my house is a disaster, and it spills over into other areas of my life.


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