Thursday, September 14, 2006

Drive-by Check-in

Not drive-through, thankfully!

Ok, I've still been freaking out with mini-binges of mostly chocolate things, and I had some dunkie's coffee that someone brought in this morning. Balanced with healthy meals and not all that much extraneous snacking. Mostly hitting the one veggie/one fruit per day goal.

Walked for 55 minutes during son's soccer practice yesterday - mostly flat ground but didn't have proper sneakers, just slide-in's so definitely had to grip those puppies by the end.

This morning did 40 minutes of "dynamic" kripalu yoga by tape, since my damned DVD is finally dying and couldn't do my tribal bellydance fusion dvd. Ah well - the yoga was wonderful. I miss it mucho mucho!

School starts for me next week - 3 nights and one weekend day, so I seriously need to buckle down on this anxious eating and get some healthy munching options to replace it....


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