Saturday, January 06, 2007

I feel good

Less than a week of cleaner eating and some movement, and I'm feeling better already. I know a lot of that is mental, but I'll take it!

Splashed around with the scouts last night. I recall last year this time when I was much prouder of appearing in public in a bathing suit. I had been working out for over a month, and felt more toned. This year, however...I had to pull out some shorts to wear over my bottoms, since they were revealing waaay too much of my badonkadonk. I'm sure the bf would have loved it, but not the rest of the scouts and their parents.

It is practially tropical outside today - it has to be close to 60. We're heading over to the track in a bit, maybe heading up to the beach for an hour or two. I have plans to get to the gym later and ellipt/lift. Hopefully a Saturday evening will find it less crowded at this time of year.

I have more food left over from my monday cooking than I had planned, so I need to eat my butternut squash/carrot soup and my udon noodle soup soon. I pulled salmon out for curry-ing and found a terrific lentil/sweet potato curry to go along with it. I am going to sit down today and plan out the week, and the shop either today or tomorrow.

I sat down and typed out my 2007 goals. A big chunk of them have to do with building my massage/bodywork practice, which makes me nervous and excited. I know I'll be great but the insecurity of having my own business is freaking my shit out a bit. I'm not going to do anything crazy - I can't. I have 2 kids who depend on me for benefits and financial security, since their facther can't seem to be depended on. But I know I won't be doing human resources for too much longer!


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Good luck with your 2007 goals! It sounds as if you have some big changes planned, which is always exciting.

--a.m. from the fat fighting blogroll


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