Thursday, April 06, 2006

Don't go back to Yuckville

I'm all with Portuguese Washwoman these days. Yuckville indeed. Despite the glorious sunshine and milder temps (my daughter declared that yesterday's snow must have been magic, because today the grass is popping up all green!), my eating continues to spiral out of control, and a good portion of me just doesn't care.

I'm impressed that I'm at least being honest about it. It would be so much easier to hide out until the wave of ugliness passes. This is the third week in a row that I "forgot" about the 6 a.m. yoga class. Hmmmm...I wonder why? So not much exercise today, although I plan to do a stroll for 15-20 minutes at some point today outside, where it's supposed to be in the 50's here.

I was happy and not the least bit suspicious that last night, my girlfriend's scale also said (well, it didn't exactly talk to me) I am 175. I say this because the Y scale is 5-7 pounds heavier, and the doctor's scale....well, the doctor's scale ALWAYS seems to be 7-10 pounds heavier. I think it's a plot so that they can chastise your weight and justify their existence blahblahblah

I still feel puffy and untoned.

The bf & I discussed my quitting coffee. He suggested I do it this morning, after I offered him coffee and he said that he quit, and would I like to join him in quitting right that very minute, dumping out my travel mug o'java right down the drain? No, samIam, I do *not* wish to quit coffee-this-very-minute, no sirree bob! I get the headaches and the irritability and all the fun withdrawal stuff, and I'm not ready for that quite yet. I told him I would consider it after this weekend. If I'm going to feel like shit warmed over, I might as well be at work, where I feel that way anyway, right???

I refuse again to discuss breakfast this morning (I did eat almost all of my planned food for yesterday except for the orange, and then I proceeded to eat chocolate that was sent to me as a thank you, and took my friend up on her offer to get coffee in the afternoon, and then ate crap on the way home from the grocery store and a BL-sans-T open face ('cause goddess forbid I eat the extra piece of bread!!!) and then some leftover pizza. *sigh*

An-y-way, today's plans include the rest of the lentil-veggie soup, rye crackers, gouda mini-wheel, the orange from yesterday, and some yogurt/granola. Dinner is up in the air as we may be going out with a friend visiting from ze west coast. No exercise other than walking until tomorrow night, where I plan to ellipt & I think I'm on legs for my weight routine. Saturday yoga and then a yummy cranio-sacral treatment. Sunday, probably ellipt & chest/arms, and/or yoga class that afternoon.

I really do need to do some healthy cooking this weekend to get ready for next week, so as not to repeat this week, and to get off the damn coffee AGAIN.


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a big suger junkie and have struggled with it forever.
What works for me is to have my Baby Ruth bar everyday and to totally enjoy it. No guilt allowed!
I balance my food between so called good and bad.
Some days I'm eating more bad than good but I know it will pass.
Be kind to yourself.
Food is our friend not our enemy.
Praise you body for all it does for you :)
As far as exercise goes, "Just Do It!" is my mantra.
3 days I run, 2 I skate and 2 I have completely off.
I often don't "feel" like it but am always glad I did it when I'm finished.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Xena said...

Thanks Stillwater! I'll have to try the one-a-day - it doesn't set you up for further cravings? I promise I'll be nicer to myself - thanks for the reminder :-)

At 4:36 PM, Blogger BethK said...

Yeah, I have to say that was a weird weather day for the record books. Down where I work, it snowed for 6 straight hours with zero accumulation.

I know that I'd love to get myself to the point where I could eat *a* cookie or *a* piece of chocolate and then be all "Okay, let's get on with the rest of the day." I'm just not there yet. The sugar craving loop always gets the better of me.


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