Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yeah, I'm still here

Just in case you were worried.

I've bitten off more than I can chew, har har har. I'm not whining - I knew what I was getting into. I was being optimistic about fitting exercise and good eating into this plan, but so far it's not going as planned.

I'm feeling overwhelmed, and my first reponse is to comfort eat, so I've been doing plenty of that. Fully aware each time, so that's better than the past. Being fully aware kinda makes it worse, though.

I had 4 classes last week, and the same for this week, plus football/soccer practices & games, PT appointments for the daughter's various injuries, and work. And breathing - not much of that going on.

My plan is to get to the Y tomorrow night, even for a quick 20 minute cardio and some weights. Will that just make me feel more overwhelmed and exhausted?

I dunno, but I need some serious stress relief. My anxiety is increasing exponentially, in inverse proportion to my lack of exercise. I'm sure I would be eating better, or at least less, if I was exercising.

I've given 3 massages, so that's movement, at least.

I'm hanging in there, so maybe that's the most important of all...


At 3:34 PM, Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

football/soccer practices ISN'T THAT exersice?

Can you bring a bag of baby carrots as a snack?

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Xena said...

Thanks - I wish *I* were the one doing football and soccer :-) It's actually taking my kids to/from the practices. I do love baby carrots and think they are a great snack, so I need to stock up!

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Twisted Cinderella said...

((hugs)) it is tough when you are so stressed. you can do this. Maybe view a hard cardio workout as a way to get out those frustrations?

At 8:39 PM, Blogger TrixieBelden said...

How's it going today? Are you still hanging in there? You are right, that IS the most important thing. Be kind to yourself, you can only do so much. Just take it one day at a time. Sometimes a day feels so long it even helps to break the day up into managable chunks. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll be fine. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of everyone else!


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