Random thoughts from my kwazy head
1. Snow days rock! Can't wait to sled with the kids and come in for hot cocoa. Made with rice milk and dairy-free chocolate, of course.
2. Veganism. It's becoming easier, but I'm very aware of how much dairy/egg "sneaks" in, especially when eating out. Hence, I need to eat out less! Save $$! My family is slowly accepting this "experiment". My bf's mother wasn't too upset the other night when we went for fish casserole for bf's bday, but I'm sure she wasn't pleased since she made so much of the casserole. I decided to call it an experiment, that way if I go back to vegetarian or meat, it won't be so difficult to explain myself. Right now, it's actually easier to explain that it's an experiment instead of set in stone - people don't seem to be disapproving of it. Maybe they wouldn't anyway. I do get the protein question. Lots of beans and nuts/seeds, my friends.
3. Tofu. *sigh* I don't think I can avoid it. I can only eat so many beans/nuts/seeds, har har har. I bought soy creamer instead of half/half. I hate the difference! Maybe this will help me get off coffee more quickly. Maybe not.
4. Bf & VD (no, he didn't give me one - I'm referring to Valentine's Day) - he's very sweet. I was woken up at 5:45 by the automatic phone call broadcast that school was cancelled, and got up to use the facilities, and the bf also woke up (from the call), so he rushed into the bathroom with me and presented the package for my valentine's day gift - a tinkerbell comforter! It was still in the dryer - he didn't want me to see it, just wanted to wash/dry it and then put it on me while I was sleeping. So thoughtful! And no chocolate, 'cause I'm vegan and don't like dark chocolate. Very sweet. Oh, and skeleton hand gloves. I'm a goth poser at 36, what can I say?
5. Went to yoga. Have been thinking off and on that I was much more flexible at Kriplau last year, and am now wondering if it had to do with the lovely fact that I was in the hot tub whirlpool EVERY DAY. What glorious bliss! I swear it had something to do with keeping me limber (not to mention all the yoga, bodywork, and danskinetics (fun dancing))....I miss it. We did another headstand prep/wall-assisted last night, very fun!
6. Vegan, part II. I love how calm I feel about my choice to try this eating style out. There's no rush, no desperation to lose weight by it, plenty of forgiveness around not being perfect. I love the way I am being with myself - forgiving, loving, curious, willing to try new things, willing to set aside previous beliefs and assumptions about myself. I'm almost ready to try brussels sprouts!!! Long story short, my mom made them when we were kids, probably didn't flavor them in any way since we didn't have them at all before, and then made me sit at the table until I ate them all, at which point they were probably cold. Ick. Very mommy dearest, eh? *snort*
7. Weight-wise, I am still around 194-195, but not panicking yet. Feeling much more toned, just need to do cardio more often. This is my life, not a 12-week plan.
I find your willingness to experiment coinciding with your veganism to be great. I need to broaden my horizons when it comes to food.
I had 2 snow days in a row this week. It was awesome!
Looks like you're broadening your exercise horizons first, woohoo!
Yes, snow days are indeed awesome.
I went snowshoeing in Harold Parker on Saturday and it was awesome! To have been able to hot tub after that... Purrrr.
I commend your vegan efforts. It takes a lot of commitment. Have you done any playing with tempeh? I like the texture much better than most cake tofus and it curry-fies really well.
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