I got new glasses last November, and was advised to clean them in a certain way in order to preserve the anti-glare coating. Before, I would just rinse them in warm water and sort of circle around each lens on both sides with a towel. The new technique is to start from the nosepieces and wipe straight across towards the earpieces. It was hard to get used to at first, since morning is not my peak functional time, but I eventually got used to it. However, I got out of the shower this morning, and when it came time to dry my glasses, I went back to the swirly method without blinking. Thankfully I caught myself doing it and went back to the "proper" technique, but it made me think about how challenging it can be to change even the simplest of habits, habits that I have for things that I do EVERY DAY. It's been almost 3 months for the glasses, for pete's sake!
Perhaps this will help me be a little more forgiving of myself when I slip into old habits. Like wanting to eat junk as soon as I walk in the door at night (most likely due to the pressures of the second job, namely feeding and caring for my family and house). Or not taking my Floradil before my evening meal. Or adding chicken soup to my vegan soup in order to use up the leftovers, whoops!
Thankfully yoga is becoming a good habit. I went last night, although I was tired again, and it was not gentle again, which turned out to be fine. I got to bed later than hoped/planned, so I'm tired again today, and this finally-winter weather isn't helping the urge to crawl back under the comforter and take a nice nap.
I have good food available to me today, so I just need to take advantage of it!
Good post. Bad habits are so easy to form; good habits are so hard to form; bad habit are so hard to break; and good habits are, usually, so easy to break. Itn't that the way it seems. Just my luck. Thanks.
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