Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sick Day

Both kids are home sick today. One was throwing up and the other has had an off/on headache since last night; they've both been sleeping a lot and starting to feel better. I hope the daughter can keep her lunch down!

Things got very icy here last night, so I opted not to go to yoga since falling down and hurting myself is not worth being on the DL for a month! There's always tonight.

Eating? Meh. I did enjoy my weekend, had an organic tomato/basil pesto pizza between saturday & sunday - it wasn't that big, maybe 10"? and some more B&J, damn them! Oh, did I mention some "natural" cheese curls too? *snort*

I did enjoy my weekend xena along time. I read trashy romance novels - they are a nice escape from reality, but they make me long for the same thing in real life, and we all know that there's no such thing as a wealthy/built/sensitive/awesome/love-making machine who sweeps one off their feet. And once the dirty laundry/finances/kids enter the picture, FORGET IT!

Did yoga on sunday - I really do have tight hamstrings, always have. Hip stuff is usually a breeze, although I am definitely not as flexible as I was a year ago! Speaking of which, it's been almost a year since my one-month massage intensive at Kripalu. I wish I could go back for a whole month again! I'm definitely a different person than I was a year ago - mostly in a good way. In some ways, I feel more jaded - I've lost my illusions that things could be perfect, people, situations etc. I always considered myself rather naive in some ways, and I feel that made the fall all that harder. So now I have to find out what *is* true for me and go with that, instead of ranting and railing about the injustice of it all, blah blah blah.

I got some cookbooks from the library - 2 vegan, 1 raw (what a PITA!!!!), and 1 veggie japanese cooking. I need to sit down and cull my own recipe library, grab some from these books if they look good, and continue to eat my grains, beans, fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds. Speaking of which, Born Again Gym Bunny has a new food blog, and I can't wait to check out some of her recipes, as she has moved to eating more veggies vs. meat.

I am still enjoying this feeling of unhurried peace about my current weight loss journey - it's a lifetime change, and I don't need to introduce all these drastic changes at once. In the past, I've felt anxious and anal and the need to doitallnownowNOW! I'm not sure where this shift came from, but I would be happy if it sticks.


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