Yep, it's going to be hard to be pure vegan. I only had one piece of bacon at breakfast - it was so good! Damn taste buds. I really shouldn't complain, because then I might lose all sense of taste, and that would suck big time. I did have pancakes too, so no workout this morning (plus I was up late last night and got up "work week" time this morning, yuck!). Perhaps after my massage...
I forgot to mention yesterday that I gingerly tried out the scale yesterday morning and I lost 2 pounds! 194! Woohoo! Somehow, though, at least for me - and maybe it's because I am heavy - a couple pounds seems to come in & out of my life pretty easily, so I'm not as excited as I was when I lost 2 pounds weighing 173. But I'll take it, for sure. I'm already feeling less flabby, and my stomach seems to have lost some of its santa-like goodness.
Last night I indulged from some leftover holiday junk food from the freezer - pre-prepared stuff that I would usually never buy but did and we're slowly getting rid of it (crab rangoon, pigs-in-a-blanket, that sort of thing). I did a great job of throwing out everything else from the holidays by new year's day, but am keeping this as "backup" for when we have nothing to eat and need something quick. Once it's gone, it's gone. I just couldn't face another bowl of curry soup, which I had eaten 3 times in the past 2 days.
So I plan to finally put the xmas decorations downstairs (they've been down for a week but haven't been boxed up & put away) - it's kind of a pain because we have limited storage and need to rotate seasonal containers. Ah well! Then I am going to plan out food for the week - thankfully we have Monday off (MLK day - in the name of love - word!) so I can do some cooking then, because tonight is all about Xena! I do plan to go to the library, get that trashy romance novel, grab a healthy dinner from the natural food store, and veg out. My girlfriends suggested I do it nude (the vegging out part, not the public part), but it's a little too chilly for that, plus Aunty Flo is in town. Plus I'm not crazy about the state of my body, and it would just make me feel bad. *sigh* that's sad.
Workout today is questionable, but that's ok. We did the pool last night and got some mild exercise plus family time, which is a great combination, in my mind. Tomorrow is still yoga, and so is Monday assuming the holiday hasn't changed the Y schedule. I started putting stars in my binder/calendar for exercise, and it looks so cheery to have so many stars already!!! Let's keep this trend going!
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