Baby, it's cold outside! I can't believe they are running my daughter's snowboarding program tonight - it's supposed to be something-below-zero with the wind chill factor, yikes! I don't think it helps that it's been spring-like here up until now - I swear our bodies aren't acclimated to the winter now. And my poor tulips or crocuses are *now* choosing to pop their heads out. "Hey, where the hell is spring?!". That's what I'd be saying, if I were a flower.
Yoga last night - yummy as always. I was definitely tired, and the cold made me want to skip it, but knowing I probably won't get an official workout today (I have a feeling that cleaning out the son's room will reward me with many trips up/down the stairs) and not working out the night before due to school got my arse in gear. As always, I was glad that I went afterwards.
I got a bunch of great vegan cookbooks from the library, and am interested in trying out some new things (nut roast? chestnut stuffing? whipped macadamia cream?). I truly believe following an eating plan would be SO much easier if I were single. This morning the daughter didn't finish her cheese & bacon sandwich, so I finished it for her. Terrible habit, I know, but the frugal scot in me (how'd he get in there?!) didn't want to see food wasted. Clearly neither bacon nor cheese are vegan, so...I've been getting by on making my own meals and having them last for leftover lunch and some dinners, so I've been pretty successful at avoiding the chicken or tuna that the rest of the fam is eating. Plus I make them eat some of the greens and we usually have a bean dish one night a week. I am so sneaky, yes?
Yoga tomorrow or ellipt/weights, and yoga on Sunday. Need to keep focusing on staying away from the sweets and more importantly, look at what is going on that is sending me in that direction.
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