Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's my blog, and I'll whine if I want to

Want some cheese with that? Mmmm...cheese! Anyway, I had a lovely wonderful massage last night and then went out to the ol' bk for din-din. tsk tsk tsk What is my issue? And I'm eating marked-down choc pb eggs, and drinking coffee. I did have some bark/branch cereal with soy milk for breakfast, but then I added a teaspoon of sugar on top. WHAT IS MY ISSUE?!

Beats the hell out of me.

I have a rice/cheese/bean half of burrito for lunch. No veggies there. I do have a banana and some cantaloupe. The trick is actually eating them instead of more of the malted milk eggs outside my office.

I did *not* get up for yoga this a.m. but did at least set the frickin' alarm. I did take a 20-minute walk yesterday, and plan to do the same today. I have to perform in a concert tonight so no gym, and plan to go out w/my girl club for dinner tomorrow night so no exercise then. I should get up tomorrow morning, but have a feeling that I'll be exhausted from tonight's performance. I recognize that this is making an excuse. I don't know what I'll choose to do about it.

I'm glad that I'm being honest. It's really hard not to want to look good, and only post when I'm being successful. I know that these hard posts are what will help me more in the long run. This is the part where it is so tempting to hide out, pretend as though my eating isn't as bad as it really is, to lie to myself about how I'm taking care of myself (I'm not eating well at all). I'm trying really hard not to do those things.

My question is - when am I going to do something positive with this information, and get my eating back on track?


At 8:33 PM, Blogger EMLB said...

Be gentle with yourself. Why not invite yourself to get back on track? I know it's hard not to beat yourself back into behavior, but you'll get there....

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Xena said...

*sigh* Thank you, that is just what I needed. I'm so not gentle with myself, so thank you thank you thank you for the reminder! It brought tears to my eyes, so I know it was just right.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Telling the truth is really helpful for your readers, so when you have lost the weight you will show them that it is not an easy road but it can be done. Trust me I have had a lot of "what was I thinking days", but as long as I get myself back on track it's okay. Listen to your body and be honest with yourself. Because if you can make the time to eat right and get the exercise in, do it. It feels really good in the end.


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