Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Still sick....grrrr!

Went to the doctor, since my supervisor put the fear of whooping cough into me (thankfully, I do not have it), and am now taking the superexpensive but supposedly effective expectorant, and taking allergy sinus stuff, and generally feeling like poo.

It's beautiful out, and it's pissing me off that I feel like garbage and can't go play in the lovely outdoors. Feh.

Anyway, I'm trying to be patient with the healing process. My kids have also been sick off/on, and the son is home today after yuking twice yesterday. I just want to be WELL. I want to work out and lift weights and do yoga and walk outside and play catch with my family. Somebody call the the wah-mbulance!

Strangely enough, I've gotten more compliments/comments about my weight loss in the past few weeks than I did when I first got back from kripalu, even though I haven't lost anything since then. Is it true that weight re-distributes itself? I certainly don't understand.


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