Monday, July 17, 2006

I feel like a morning starrrrrrr

I did feel pretty good this morning (and little more tired now, but still doing all right). Got the house cleaned up for an in-house massage session tonight (always a good excuse to clean up, and I need that motivation given how frickin' hot it is!), got the bills caught up, laundry caught up, paperwork filed, good food in the fridge, might even be able to get in a Y workout after the session tonight!

The weekend was lovely - the bf/I went to the beach (got eaten alive by greenheads, little em-effers) for a good 10 hours on saturday, had some seafood for din-din. Had class yesterday, which was fun, as we made some medicinal herbal tinctures/glycerides. I learned what it feels like to be stung by a stinging nettle. I can tell you it makes you feel ALIVE! Then we celebrated National Ice Cream Day by cream! Mine had smooshies, which makes me happy. We did have sushi for dinner, so I got some good protein in as well.

Eating has been so-so, I guess. Today I've had soy cereal/soy milk/banana, the vitamins, chickpea stew, carrots/hummous, soy yogurt w/granola. I worry that I consume too much soy, which can be a challenge with too much estrogen (which I guess plastic also mimics, and I am a big fan of the portable plastic food containers).

I'm very glad that I made up all those beans and froze them up - I have beans for the week, and still more to go! It's a yummy source of protein, and fiber, and probably other good stuff as well. Score one for the xena!

We took a long walk on the beach saturday, probably a round trip of 2 miles on the hard, slanted sand, plus I swam a bit. I ellipted Friday night and lifted shoulders/back. No luck yesterday due to class, but gave the bf a session last night (I don't mean *that* kind of session, poor guy) so there was some activity there. At least I'm maintaining the 175 and not gaining, but I'd love to be back to the low 170's and hit 160's before the summer is through. We shall see what I can plan out for this week. Hopefully the Y tonight, maybe a walkie tomorrow and/or Wednesday mornings. Thursday is out as I'm travelling 45 minutes to do a couple of sessions for friends. Potentially on Friday also. I need to get up in the morning then instead, I guess!


At 3:37 PM, Blogger BethK said...

My Professor (while, literally, on a field trip): Oh hey, Beth, tell everyone to watch out for that patch of stinging nettles.

Me: Huh? What do stinging nettles look... Holy shit!!! Ow!!! Em Effer!!!

But in retrospect, I do agree. It's more like getting an electric shock than a bee sting. Of course that could just be the mass of adrenaline coursing through your body as you realize you've been attacked by a freakin' plant.


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