Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Had a lovely walk around the track this morning - it was even a little cool when I started, but had heated up quite a bit by the time I was through. The grass and trees are gorgeous and green from all of the rain. I like going to the Y, but I also like exercising outside and reconnecting with nature. It may sound granola-ish but I feel so much more connected and human when I'm surrounded by trees, water, plants.

I woke up with a sinus-y headache and decided to do the walk instead of my previously-planned trip to the Y. It's still lingering, and I took some meds for it, yuck. I wonder if it's the result of my body de-toxing from last week's sugary/fatty goodness. I wouldn't be surprised, since I didn't eat any (except those 2 ginger snaps) refined sugar yesterday, or coffee, or anything.

I did have my practice session last night, so didn't get home until almost 9:00. I was a little hungry but didn't want anything heavy, so had a protein shake w/banana/strawberries/blueberries, and that was just right (except the protein mix has stevia, which I didn't realize when I bought it - blech!). Didn't need to go shopping as the bf had indeed bought salad stuff etc, so that's what I have today, in addition to my defrosting beans and chickpea stew. Have bananas (teeny - they're like 4 inches long!) and cherries and yogurt.

Boy, does it feel good to be back!


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