Friday, May 19, 2006

Best. Dinner. Ever!

B&J V3rmonty Pyth0n. The whole damn pint. Mmm-hmm!

Hey, at least I went to gentle yoga first.

Munching on an apple now; multi-grain cereal w/soy milk for breakfast, and regular coffee. These next two weeks are going to be challenging. I question why it takes a deadline to spur me into action, but I know it's true for many folks. I want to be eating healthy/off coffee by the time I start school on June 6 - ideally by orientation on June 1.

Potentially no exercise today except maybe walking around our town's carnival tonight, assuming this rain stops in time. Tomorrow I have a massage (yummmm) and then we leave for camping overnight with the scouts. I could play whatever games are organized and get some exercise that way. Sunday is the daughter's softball game early on (again, assuming the weather holds up), so perhaps I could get over to the Y. Ooh, I think there's even a 4:30 yoga class?!

I've been hovering around 178-179, and scared of hitting 180 again. Apparently not scared enough to not eat a whole pint of ice cream, though. Things were stirring up at work yesterday, and also on the family front (two relatives not getting along and me in the semi-middle; I am good at keeping my boundaries and staying neutral - I am definitely proud of myself for how far I've come - it is still upsetting, though), so I guess I'm not surprised.

My desire to get to work these days is zilch - it almost feels like depression. *sigh* I can't wait for school to start!!!!!!!

Enjoy your weekends, and stay dry...xena


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