Monday, May 08, 2006

Lookin' good

My mother, over the weekend, commented that I am looking good and should keep up the work that I've been doing. I'm not sure she knows what work I am doing? I'm sure it helped that I was wearing snug workout pants, since I often wear rather loose clothing. It's truly hard for me to watch my mother struggle with (adult onset) diabetes and her weight. She's struggled with her weight always. I'm guilty/ashamed to admit that there were times when I was embarrassed that she was my mom, mostly when we were around other parents who were healthy and fit. I've always worried that this is my destiny as well. It's hard to let go of that mindset, let me tell you!

I'm at 175 again, thankfully, but I'm still not feeling very trim, especially my jellybelly. The place where I always gain/retain (must be 'cause I'm a Cancer). The bf and I went for a nice bike ride through the local wooded trails, probably biked 45 minutes out of the 1.5+ hours we were out. There were some tough hills, plus we stopped by the little river to rest and enjoy nature. I also gave a massage on Saturday, so that was a good workout & reconnection for/to myself. Yesterday I didn't do anything active, which was just what I needed - I actually slept until almost ELEVEN o'clock, which I haven't done in ages! Of course, I was up after 2 a.m., but still....we sat in the sun to watch my daughter's softball game, and then went out for corporate pizza with the ex and his family. Surprisingly, it wasn't painful. Mostly due to the fact that their adorable 11-month-old baby boy was a very pleasant distraction/object of our focus. Usually, spending time with the ex makes me want to escape as fast as possible. I am surprised I didn't overeat on pizza (which I love!) - I guess that his hold on my emotions has faded significantly, which is a HUGE change for me, and a very welcome one at that!

Lessee - eating....Friday night I had ice cream (and worked out on the elliptical and chest/arms - that counteracts the ice cream, right? Right?!); I can't remember what I had after I got home from the gym. I don't remember being very hungry. If I were still tracking my food, I would know what I had. Saturday was bagel w/bacon/egg/cheese for breakfast & lunch, a granola bar, an orange, and then leftover fish with evil premix rice/sauce and some carrots/cukes/grape tomatoes. Then we went to the grocery store, and the bf was pining for chocolate, which is extremely unusual for him. For me? A daily thing, practically. I think I used his weakness to indulge in my own temptations, and bought a bag of chocolate-covered pretzel balls and a pint of B&J. The candy is almost gone today, and the pint is 1/3 gone. *sigh* I made the BFL protein pancakes yesterday, and they were actually not bad. The syrup was not so great, but it didn't absorb it like normal pancakes do, so I used less than I normally would have. Plus 2 pieces of bacon. Love the bacon. And tee-fee. Veggie pizza for dinner. Did I have 2 slices, or 3? I think that I had 2.5, plus a lemonade-flavored alcoholic beverage (wobbly pop).

Today I have the last slice of pizza, some carrots, an apple and granola bar, some soy yogurt. Tee-fee. I plan to go to gentle yoga tonight. Hopefully get outside for a 10-25 minute walk in the nice weather, since it's supposed to rain the rest of this week. Not that I mind walking in the rain - again, the Cancer that I am.


At 3:09 PM, Blogger EMLB said...

I can identify with your feelings about your mom. My mom was overweight her whole life, and I was often kind of embarrased about her when I saw other parents. Part of my anxiety about being overweight is an anxiety about being LIKE HER. LOL!


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