Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dang whippersnappers!

Taking over allll of the elliptical trainers, and I swear they were all teens. Nothing against teens, of course. I just prefer the elliptical over the treadmill, and would whine the same about anyone domineering the machines. It was pretty full yesterday in the gym; I know it partly was because of the time of day (after work) but probably also because it has been raining, so the outdoor runners were probably staying inside. Ah well. The treadmill still is a good workout, especially when I crank the incline and alternate that with 1-minute running intervals every 5 minutes, but I don't get the same distance in the same timeframe and don't seem to get as good a workout. I'm not able to run for long periods of time yet as the shin splints are still there.

I did end up lifting legs yesterday. I don't know if it's because it's been a month since I did it, but I could probably go up a few pounds on my quad lift and hamstring press, which was surprising to me. I would have thought that I would have lost some strength in the month, but maybe all my walking has kept it going. I am still getting the strange twinge at the top of my thigh - I think it's where the hamstring comes off the pelvic bone. Ask me in a month, when I start A&P and can tell you origin/insertion! Anyway, I seem to get it after I have done the running intervals (post-workout). I do stretch, so I'm not sure how to combat it. I don't get it on the elliptical.

Eating was ok. I did eat too many stac3y's cinnamon pita chips waiting for the bf to get home to go out to dinner. We had a drink (on a school night? Naughty Xena) and a roll & mini-corn muffin before dinner even arrived, so I only ate about 1/5 of it before I was getting uncomfortably full (I guess I should have refrained from stealing some of the kids' ff). I was proud of myself for actually STOPPING at that point. I had the rest (salmon with sweet potato crust, rice & beans, and squash/zucchini/carrots - yummy!) for lunch today. Nice job! I did get hungry about 2 hours later last night, though, and had a bowl of ginger granola w/unsweetened soy milk. Ah well.

Had tee-fee this morning, but my gf here at work brought in coffee for me, so am enjoying that sinful treat now. I had 2 (:-() bowls of the ginger granola (which is extra not-so-good, since granola is higher in calories/fat than my normal cereal) w/unsweetened soy milk for breakfast. An orange with lunch, and a granola bar so far. Tonight will be the dinner-we-were-supposed-to-have-last-night and making the halibut for the bf/me for the weekend.

Walked outside today for 20 minutes. Didn't even remember yoga again this morning, but I was up 'til midnight last night and wouldn't have made it anyway, but I'm amazed at my awful (selective?) memory with this yoga class. Daughter has softball tonight so no gym. Probably will gym it tomorrow night and hopefully yoga or gym on Saturday since it's supposed to be back to the rain. I bought some egg whites & cottage cheese to make the BFL pancakes that Diet Woman recommends, so will try that recipe out this w/e...have to be careful not to drown it in syrup!


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