Thursday, May 11, 2006


Lots o' real coffee today, and I am a tad skittish and jittery. I can feel my anxiety returning by the slight claustrophobia I was feeling at a crowded meeting this morning in a stuffy, humid room. Blech! I know it's partially the caffeine/sugar, partially my mostly-yoga-not-as-much-cardio workouts, partially the inability to do my outside walks due to the rain/workload. I imagine my not-so-spectacular eating doesn't help either.

I also must be in pms mode, as all I wanted (and ate) yesterday was chocolate tripled. I did two massages last night (yeah!) and had more than half-planned to get yet more chocolate on the way home, but thankfully I was feeling calm and connected after giving the massages, so I am happy to say that I did not stop and get more. I am definitely feeling bloaty so hoping it *is* pms, and the scale was back up to 178.

I may go to the new gentle yoga class tonight - I've heard that this instructor does a lot of meditation, which I could certainly benefit from. It's hard to balance the cardio with yoga, but to be honest, I'm pretty wiped out from last night (I didn't get home until after 10:00) and the yoga would be better for me, I do think.

I'm not reporting on eating as I'm tired and disgusted and don't need/want to beat myself up. I did have lettuce and tomatoes for veggies :-)

I'm looking forward to a quiet no-kid weekend (yes, I do realize it's mother's day - scheduling-wise it worked out better to have the kids at their dad's this weekend, and *every* day is mother's day anyway, right? Har har har!) - my last quiet weekend before school starts!


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