Friday, July 20, 2007

I heart the pool

I've been in almost every day, so I have pretty silver and green stars all over my calendar, yeah xena!

It really helps in the mornings, as I often wake up pretty stiff from wearing the straightening brace all night. My PT has noticed improvements in my range-of-motion, and although I've had a few days where I'm not quite as flexible, it is definitely getting better!

I have graduated to one crutch, and even use it on the pool deck, albeit very slowly so I don't slip. I also hobble around a bit at home w/o any crutches, so exciting!!!!!!

It was 5 months on Wednesday since the accident. My life has changed in many ways since then, work included. I'm trying to go with the flow as much as possible, but I'm not a fan of change, so it's been tough emotionally too.

We are one less in my dept now, and I've taken on a good portion of that workload in addition to my own, so I barely have time to eat, which is at least good for the waistline, and some of my summer pants have been almost falling off!!! I haven't gotten on the scale in quite awhile, so I have no idea where I'm at, but as long as the clothes continue to fit (and even slip down), I'll be happy.

Still vegetarian, although I miss fish more and more. I never had a chance to give vegan-ism a long enough trial, but I'm still not able to stand for very long, so cooking is still a ways off.

I've been doing the exercise bike at PT for 5 minutes to warm up, so I asked about adding it to my workout routine, and my PT said it would be fine. I still need to build my quad muscles (and calf muscles) up, although walking/putting more weight on my leg is definitely helping.

I found out my massage class, the last class I have to take before I can graduate and then get licensed, doesn't start until November, but that is probably for the best since I need to work up to standing for an hour at a time (even longer for classes). I'm much more calm about the delay in my career plans...


At 2:17 PM, Blogger FatBlokeThin said...

Sorry to ‘spam’ you but I am holding a fun weight loss challenge over at my blog FatBlokeThin.

If you want to join in, please leave a comment or e-mail me. Thanks!



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