Friday, May 26, 2006

Love my "skinny jeans"!!!

Yes. I. DO!

Friday is casual day here at work, and I have been getting compliments every week that I wear my skinny jeans. Love it! When someone asked if I have been jogging, I laughed out loud. Yeah, right!

Anyway, it's nice to hear the encouragement, even if I haven't lost any additional weight since I came back. Still at 177, and had a fairly good week to maybe reach my lose-one-pound goal. We'll see on Monday!

No gym last night - I ended up going home and sleeping the night away instead. I was dragging all day at work, and the !#$% (but delicious) eggr0lls from ch1l1's gave me such, ahem, gas from the garlic that I was in misery the rest of the afternoon and didn't even feel like eating anything for dinner. That'll learn me!

Still trying to continue to evaluate my feelings vs. eating them away. The bf brought home ice cream for me last night, knowing how I do love it so. At least he brought me a "baby" size, since he knows I'm in the recommitment phase. So sweet! I didn't have it (or anything else except water) as I was napping away. Maybe tonight.

Food is ok; I made it to 1/1 teecino/coffee, so now will shift over to all teecino then nothing by next Thursday! Goddess help me. Breakfast was organic "g0r1lla munch" (kinda like k1x) mixed with store-brand organic ka$shi type mix and soy milk. Eating my chix curry w/veggies now; had an apple earlier, some water, and have an orange and soy yogurt for snack if need be.

Getting out early for the holiday long weekend, so I'll go to the gym then. I'm feeling much more hopeful than I have in a long time. Looking forward to a nice active weekend (giving 2 massages, going whitewater rafting, a yoga class tomorrow morning).

Too bad I can't wear my skinny jeans 24/7!


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