Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm done!

Well, I made it through the semester, with only a chest cold as the worst of it. The kids are both sick too, so we're all home today. Just in time for the holidays!

I had my annual physical today, and the damage wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, except weight-wise. My cholesterol is still borderline (189); my numbers came down (I can't remember the split) on one of the LDL or HDL, which was surprising. I'm still anemic. Given my lousy eating these past 3 months, I'm not surprised. I just started taking Floradil, so hopefully that will crank the iron levels up.

So I was planning to start back at the gym this week, but given this chest cold and general exhaustion, I need to rest and recover first. I have a massage scheduled for saturday, and then it's bf family time, a breakfast with my ladies, more bf other family time, and then my side on christmas day. Otherwise I am making a strong effort not to schedule anything else, and tomorrow is my last day at work until 1/2/07!

I miss yoga, I miss weightlifting, I miss cardio, I miss sweating. I don't like feeling blobby and flabby and no muscle tone. Yuck.

I've missed checking in with other blogs and keeping up this one, but I know that I did what I could this past semester and kept my priorities mostly straight. I hate trying to get back in the gym right around the new year resolutionaries, but it is what it is. I know it will subside in February, as it always does, and I will have the machines mostly to myself again!

Happy holidays, whatever you may or may not celebrate, and happy Solstice for today!