School Year's Resolutions, Day 1I'm happy to say that I worked out Saturday (a great "dance" video,
The Wave) and this morning, yippee! Saturday I also did weights (shoulders/back) at home, which sucks since my heaviest dumbbell is only 8 lbs. (and why are they so frickin' expensive?!), but the Y was still closed. This morning I did a psychotic fat-burning (excuse me, fat-BLASTING)
yoga video by psychoqueen herself, Denise Austen. That lady is CRA-ZEE ("FEEEEL your yoga body!"). It's virtually impossible to have good form going at that speed, and some of her backup dancers were *totally* not using good form at all - it made me cringe. I guess that makes me a Yoga Snob.
I was a patient, present, and forgiving mom when my son told me, last night at 5:45 p.m., that he didn't have a lunch box. What?!?! Well, he'll just have to get over the trauma of using his sister's lunch box with the purple and pink trim. It's mostly black, so he'll be just fine until we get him a new one tonight, after 3 hours of football practice. The coaches *say* they'll only be practicing until 6:00 or 6:30 (they haven't even actually told us the end time yet) and then keep the kids until dark. Grrrr
I also accomplished the food allergy deal - we spent probably 2 hours at the sow-your-___-____ natural food store, scanning every frickin' cracker/cookie/bread/soup/etc. label for the son's allergy triggers. 3 weeks of eating clean and then re-introducing the culprits one by one. What a pain, but if his allergies improve/decrease, then it will be worth it. The daughter is taking salads (yeah! of her own accord! she's tired of sandwiches!), and they both had fruit in their lunchboxes, which were ready last night, amen.
I've taken my vitamin/iron/ginkgo biloba for today.
I've already had two fruits (banana and some strawberries with breakfast) and two veggies (tomato & eggplant that I roasted in the oven with some bulgar wheat), and it's not even lunchtime!
I have leftover eggplant/ricotta pizza (boo, I know) for lunch, along with some salad (mixed greens, yellow/orange peppers, and some cukes), grapes, and more strawberries. Oh, and some carrots.
I'm waiting in fear for my caffeine headache to hit....I've been mostly drinking decaf, so I'm hoping it's not as bad as the normal withdrawals. This is going to be a tough one, folks. I know it wasn't on my resolution list, but it really plays a big component in my sugar spike/crash cycle. *sigh*
My mini-goal for this week is to be patient and leave a lot of time open for getting used to the school/sports schedules again instead of trying to plan every minute of the evening. Cut myself some slack. Be compassionate.
Speaking of which, when I was doing The Wave on Saturday, I actually started tearing up, and then crying. I think it's because I was finally doing something nice for my body, and how I've been abusing/neglecting it. Then I got weepy that night, so maybe it was just PMS. ;-)
It's good to be back on track. Let's keep this train moving!